

Rafedìn’s products are a combination of Italian and local style and testify to the link between the Middle East and the West.

The textiles, made in Italy, depict typical elements of Jordan: a view of houses in Amman, the archaeological sites of Petra, mosaics in the Mar Yousef structure where the tailor’s premises are located, and the zig-zag typical of the Arab keffiyeh.

La qualità della lavorazione is one of Rafedīn’s strengths: the girls learned their knowledge from Italian seamstresses and designers and a local tailor who taught them how to sew, design patterns, and create with their hands, giving them the tools to take back their future.

Grazie a Rosaria Mininno, sarta che segue il progetto dalle origini, alla fashion designer Antonella Mazzoni e al sarto Mohsen, che ci ha improvvisamente lasciato: con loro le ragazze hanno imparato non solo a cucire, ma hanno vissuto in un ambiente sereno e accogliente, una grande famiglia che non lascia indietro nessuno.

Buying a Rafedīn product means choosing a quality garment and donating concrete help to Iraqi refugee women: the proceeds are in fact reinvested in the project and also serve to give a monthly reimbursement to the girls involved.

Help us to mend their future, too!

Today you can buy Rafedìn’s products:

  • at the Atelier in the spaces of Mar Yousef Parish in Amman;
  • On Virtual Bazaar‘s online platform;
  • On UNHCR Refugee Shop, in the sections “Clothes,” “Home décor,” and “Bags and Wallets”
Check out new products and our collections on our Instagram page rafedin_iraqigirls. We will be happy to respond to your messages and requests.